A recent comment on the web site found inspiration in the poem found within the book art Instrument of Peace, now being exhibited at (SCENE) Metrospace of East Lansing until June 24, 2012. The poem is a revised secular version of the Prayer of Saint Francis, and was penned by artist Jen Loforese. One line inspired each collage in the book art, and these collages were created at REACH Studio Art Center‘s Teen Open Studio program. The collages also incorporate key words of calligraphy created by artist Kate Darnell. The vision for the book art Instrument of Peace was shaped by artists Jen Loforese, Gail Bohner, and myself as we planned the collage workshops that preceded the exhibit. The book art will be gifted after the exhibit to the Peace Education Center of Greater Lansing.

I will be an instrument of peace.

Book art "Instrument of Peace" cover by Jen Loforese.

Where there is hatred, I will spread love.
Where there is wrong, I will do what’s right.
Where there is arguing, I will work to achieve harmony.
Where there is false information, I will speak the truth.
Where there is doubt, I will have faith.
Where there is despair, I will share hope.
Where there are shadows, I will look for sunlight.
Where there is sadness, I will bring joy.

Where someone cannot speak, I will be their voice.
Where someone is rejected, I will open my arms in welcome.
Where someone is troubled, I will offer a word of comfort.
Where someone struggles, I will lift them up and cheer.
Where some see disability, I will see extraordinary gifts.
Where someone is judged, I will share kind words.
Where any are overlooked, I will help the lights of all to shine.

For it is when we comfort others that we find comfort.
It is when we forgive others that we are given second chances.
It is when we are unsure or scared that we are inspired to hope.
It is in facing our greatest challenges that we discover our deepest strengths.
And it is when we feel most lost that we find the way home.

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