Updated March 2, 2012. First published February 19, 2012.
Words and Afterwards engages stories and attitudes about violence and healing through art-making workshops and an arts exhibition. Violence is widely applied, including but not limited to war, bullying, hate speech and crimes, domestic and sexual violence, and suicide. Healing is a process for survivors and those impacted by violence, including those left behind after someone’s death. Follow this link for the official project summary.
In support of Words and Afterwards, the Peace Education Center (PEC) of Greater Lansing received a Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs minigrant, which is distributed by the Arts Council of Greater Lansing. Ruth Borgelt (PEC) serves as the grant manager for this project, and Melissa Dey Hasbrook coordinates the wider collaboration between artists and community partners. Community partners include the Center for Poetry of the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities (RCAH) at Michigan State University; REACH Studio Art Center; and (SCENE) Metrospace.
The workshops are designed and conducted by artists Gail Bohner, Melissa Dey Hasbrook, and Jen Loforese to explore this theme through the collage of word and image. Individual works are assembled into book art for the exhibition. Public workshops are available in February at the RCAH Art Studio. Workshops also take place at REACH Studio Art Center as part of its after-school teen program.
The exhibition at (SCENE) Metrospace of East Lansing, also titled Words and Afterwards, shows from April 27 until June 24, 2012. Featured artists include Gail Bohner, Kate Darnell, Melissa Dey Hasbrook, and Jen Loforese. Books created from the collage workshops also are exhibited. Ms. Hasbrook curates the exhibition with oversight from (SCENE) Metrospace director Tim Lane.
Individuals and groups interested to participate in the project and/or contribute to its development (i.e. documentation, blog, publicity) are invited to contact Melissa Dey Hasbrook: MelissaHasbrook[at]gmail.com, 517.897.5833. Inquiries about workshops and from media may be directed to Ms. Hasbrook or Ruth Borgelt (PEC): peaceedcenter[at]gmail.com, 517.515.5634.
This activity is supported by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs
and the Arts Council of Greater Lansing, Inc.
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