Category Archives: Pics&Videos

73 Cents: A Mural by Regina Holliday

Today I learned about Regina Holliday, a health-care activist who’s painting murals. She’s spurred by the recent loss of her husband Fred to renal cancer. Check out her powerful and huge mural 73 Cents, which depicts her family’s story in … Continue reading

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Old to New

There’s an amazing energy where I’ve visited the Ardennes: thousands-of-years-old caves at Hans sur Lesse, the Ourthe River near the village of Bérismenil and the ancient Celtic camp of Cheslé, the large old stones or dolmens of Wéris. Turning off … Continue reading

Posted in Pics&Videos, Spirituality | 1 Comment


I’ve been thinking about bellies and mine’s recent expansion. In the year-plus since I moved to Belgium, the baggy pants have become snug. There’s nothing permanent about my belly’s current contours, though they could persist. And though not the only … Continue reading

Posted in Health, Pics&Videos, Sexuality&Gender, Spirituality | 1 Comment

Silver Ladies

Along fields sewn on hilltops, sentinels of valleys lined by houses, families nestled in womb curves. Up the hill of Stockemstraat to the lane between fields, and then the forest and field. Long grass saturated with dew, fat drops on … Continue reading

Posted in Journal Entries, Pics&Videos | 1 Comment

El Mundo Zurdo 2009

The gathering “El Mundo Zurdo: The First International Conference on the Work and Life of Gloria E. Anzaldúa” amazed me. I am grateful to have been among so many spirits touched by Anzaldúa’s words and Gloria’s actions. Event photos are … Continue reading

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Brave Souls, Thanks!

Thanks to the Lansing Writing Workshop participants! Your presence enriched the event and gifted me with insight. Photos are available in the More section of this post. Your table discussions bravely explored the workshop topics: embracing inspiration of body, spirit, … Continue reading

Posted in Event, Pics&Videos | 6 Comments

Feminist Poetry Night

What an incredible turn out! The Planned Parenthood fundraiser on 30 April had standing room only. Dessa Cosma, PP Senior Field Organizer, said it was a successful evening on two fronts: getting the word out to the community about services … Continue reading

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Words of Hope and Healing, Pt.2

“Amazing!” This word comes to mind when reflecting upon this year’s Words of Hope and Healing, the 2nd year for the program, a fundraiser for the Women’s Center of Greater Lansing, Michigan. My pictures from the two evenings, 16 and … Continue reading

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Take Back the Night 2009

During this visit to Michigan – the first since moving to Belgium last summer – I’ve been able to meet up with survivors and our allies across the greater Lansing community. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and people are … Continue reading

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Memoria /../

This visual sequence is in memory of the mothers and children killed by the Israeli military as it assassinated Nizar Rayyan in his Gaza home on 1 January 2009. (Read the International Herald Tribune article.) The stone is one of … Continue reading

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