In Progress – Nov 09

These are poems I’ve been working on in November. Observations and ideas are most welcome!

digging trenches

encircled by expired leaves
pink earthworms wiggle
while the novice digs
crooked trenches remembering
droughts and weeds

foot plunges spade
hand heaves handle
ideas swivel a season
of surviving sprouts
into this harvest

rough gourds
hairy ears
and fiery globes
more precious than
any ideal

Note: I have more material for a longer poem but wonder if this length fits.



my feet are lead
the air is glass
and my soul is a cloud

great and gray
pierced by bolts
rocked by booms

there is no navigating
this open storm

Note: The final two lines are what leave me wondering.


5 years from now

projections will fail
nothing will be as expected
as planned
there is no thread long enough
strong enough to withstand
the span

so why are we crazed with
5 years from now
an image a demand
that strings us along
and leaves us undone

a tasty little phrase
a futuristic gaze
a preoccupation
a distraction from now
the moment
the tangible
the potential
of today

Note: Does the repetition lend to the poem or add excess weight?


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