Summer greetings, readers of Dey of the Phoenix! Final weeks of brilliant green are upon us in the Mitten. I’ve been enjoying spring-to-summer mostly from Michigan. Since May I’ve been Stateside taking in my home-root of Kalamazoo and heart-root of Lansing, digging into family time while reconnecting with the land.
In my first weeks home, I jaunted to Lake Michigan and also shaped a garden mound in my yard from a storm-fallen pine. By June, I began talks with community agencies toward fall arts programming and kept a focus on the home life. July took me to annual happenings: first to Minnesota for the Gathering of Friends General Conference, then to SwampFire Retreat for Writers and Artists in Angola, Indiana.
Now in August, summer makes its last stand as extreme heat is leaving and more temperate days arrive. I recently launched a new web site for La Puenta, a multi-community work bridging sustainable arts between women of Peru and Michigan. The web site is a work-in-progress and will bring forward news about related art works, community organizing, and overall ministry from a Quaker context.

Reception for the Quaker Arts Center at Gathering, July 2016, with installation Abajo/ Below and artist f/Friends.
So I intend with Dey of the Phoenix to take on a more personal expression in a blog format. Announcements about programming will come mostly from La Puenta, and therefore I will point folks to the new site for those details. The aim here at DotP will be to delve into creative reflections about life, art, spirituality, community, and also to pass on matters of interest in the world related to such themes.
As always, readers, thanks for your presence! Your comments are invited on past and forthcoming posts. My Michigan programming begins in September, and events will still be listed on the DotP page “Upcoming“. Most details, though, will be published at La Puenta‘s site. Additionally, you can follow on Facebook via my artist page as well as La Puenta’s page.