If you are interested in either of these home-based events, please contact me for respective addresses at MelissaHasbrookATgmailDOTcom. Newcomers are welcome to all drum circles!
Drumming with the New Moon is Wednesday, October 2, at 6:45pm. We will open by drumming to center ourselves around the outdoor fire and beneath the open sky. A ceremony on the death-to-birth cycle will follow. Please bring a gift for the fire — prepared food, plant medicine, a written message. Remember, dress for the weather! In the case of a wet night, we will be indoors.
The monthly Gathered Drum Circle has switched to third Sundays, so please note this announcement. We next meet on October 20, at 7:00pm. Host Richard Lee and I are co-facilitating the time with food and fellowship. A big thanks to Martha Kuepper of Anam Cara Services for being a catalyst and partner the past year. You are wonderful!
Thanks Melissa. I am looking forward to being part of the Drum.