2010 Workshops


Thanks for your interest in the free writing workshops offered by The HerStories Project during March 2010. Workshops will be held at Everybody Reads bookstore, 2019 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48912. Please complete this form by providing all the requested information. The form may be submitted by email herstories.project @ gmail.com or at Everybody Reads during business hours (M-Th 11am-7pm, F-Sa 11am-5pm, Sun 9am-4pm).

Since seating in workshops is limited, availability depends on how many people register. In general, registration will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. Half of the workshop seats are reserved for high-school aged youth, but if not taken these spots will open to adults.

If you are interested in more than one workshop, be sure to indicate your level of interest as directed on the form. This information is helpful if more people register than can be accommodated for the same session.

Remember: workshop participants are invited to submit an unpublished piece of writing to be considered for publication by the magazine Greater Lansing Woman. One entry from all submissions will be selected. Participants will receive details about the submission process when workshop registration is confirmed.


Please provide the following contact information:

Name: _______________________________

Phone No.: ____________________________

Email Address: _________________________

Please provide your age group with a check or ‘x’ next to 1 selection.
__ Below 18 years
__ Above 18 years

If picking 1 workshop, please place a check or ‘x’ next to the selection.
If selecting more than 1 workshop, please indicate your level of interest with ‘1’ for the greatest interest, ‘2’ for the next greatest level, and so on.

__ March 6, 2:30pm, “Journaling through Change”, Holly Makimaa (Oasis Wellness).

__ March 13, 2:30pm, “There’s Sense in Our Poetry: Using the Senses to Enter Poetic Spiritual Space”, Mary Catherine Harper (Defiance College)

__ March 13, 3:45pm, “On Becoming a Fish: Birthing Characters and Finding Voice Through Fiction”, Dawn Comer (Defiance College)

__ March 20, 2:30pm, “Writing about Women”, Marilyn Mayer Culpepper (Never Will We Forget: Oral Histories of World War II)

__ March 20, 3:45pm, “Making Your Creative Nonfiction Sizzle”, Virginia Law Burns (Bold Women in Michigan History)

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